
Graphic Design- longing and hesitate

Familiar with the roof of the iceberg, As a farewell to the place Not too many sad, The hands of a small yellow handkerchief, flying in the wind, and I yearn for freedom, As well as the posture of waiting.

《Meditation cafe》
Waiting, Waiting for small daisy, Waiting for the little boy, And, Empty mailbox, Empty seats Waiting by waiting, That the unknown firm, In fact, in the shining.

《My place》
being devoid of any interaction between human beings, squeezes in cities and is crowded by streets, Are they really human beings?And am I?I wonder. Nevertheless, I love it.

Image created in photoshop

Graphic Design-summer

《Under the Magnolia tree》
a lovely can,collected the bloom beauty of the magnolia tree ,I should store it with all my heart,let the summer go on blooming in the flavour of the magnolia tree。

《Breeze swept hair》

jump in the wind,I dance with ballon to my heart's content,the hand,holding the string tightly,it is a date between the summer and i.

《Clouds swing》 Would like to seize a blue cloud in the sky, It sway with me in the dark blue expanse, The savor follow tail in the wind after a mint flavor, That was the summer bringed me a fresh gift.

Image create in photoshop.

Graphic Design-absurd

Image created in photoshop

Graphic Design-Beijing Impression

measurement:46*35 cm

Graphic Design-icon of game

Doodle Design-absurd


Sculpture Design-Little monstrosity
